A Newly Renovated Office Space for Rockfon in Belgium

October 5, 2022

After a thorough renovation, Rockfon’s Belgian office and factory in Wijnegem are ready for occupancy in October 2022. Before the start of the project, the choice was made to renovate the 60-year-old office to get the optimum result in terms of sustainability, design, fire safety, and acoustics.

Rockfon’s Belgian office and factory in Wijnegem

Rockfon's new office building in Wijnegem

Our office and factory in Wijnegem have housed 180 employees since 1966. After the complete renovation, the office is now a state-of-the-art facility, thanks to ROCKWOOL Group's innovative solutions for both the interior and exterior of the building. Highly innovative acoustic solutions are used across the office space. Moreover, by utilising ROCKWOOL insulation, we can reduce energy consumption by more than 76%. Last Friday, the new office was opened by Flemish Minister-President Jan Jambon and Odd Sinding, Ambassador of Denmark, together with Parik Chopra, Managing Director of Rockfon Europe and Asia.

Older buildings can be a challenge for several reasons, both for the occupants and the environment. The Rockfon office in Wijnegem was no exception. The outdated building was no longer suitable for a modern office space and the energy consumption was too high. In order to minimise the environmental impact, we decided to renovate instead of building a new office. This decision is perfectly in line with the ROCKWOOL Group's goal of reducing the overall’s energy consumption in offices worldwide by 75% by 2030.

We're happy to welcome our employees back to a comfortable and inspiring office. Thanks in part to the power of stone wool, we are able to reduce energy consumption by three quarters while increasing comfort for our employees. We hope this renovation can set an example and inspire others to do the same.

Parik Chopra

Managing Director of Rockfon Europe and Asia

For the renovation of the building, both innovative exterior and interior solutions have been used. An important part of the project was to ensure we could use various cutting-edge stone wool solutions. In the car park area, we used Rockflow by ROCKWOOL to capture, retain and infiltrate rainwater. The facade of the building was completed with Rockpanel stone-wool solutions, which included a metal appearance — a perfect fit for the Wijnegem factory that produces metal suspension systems.

Furthermore, to achieve the best energy efficiency, the roof and the walls were insulated, utilising various ROCKWOOL insulation solutions. And lastly, various Rockfon acoustic ceiling and wall solutions were used to achieve the best indoor well-being.

"Practice what you preach - describes exactly the renovation journey from ideation to implementation. Together with professional partners we managed to integrate Rockwool solutions into a state of the art working place for our employees. We have not only improved our environmental footprint but also managed to create a working environment supporting creativity, teamwork and efficiency," says Mostafa Alkhamrichi, Operations & Development Director of Rockfon Europe and Asia.

He continues, "Our employees have always been proud to work on solutions we supply to customers. Now they are even more proud to work in a setting where you really can experience the strength of a good indoor climate. To hear reactions such as 'now I prefer to work in the office again after working from home' and 'This is really who we are' proves we have created a working space, both in the office and the factory, which is attractive not only for our existing but also for our future employees." 

Practice what you preach - describes exactly the renovation journey from ideation to implementation. Together with professional partners we managed to integrate Rockwool solutions into a state of the art working place for our employees.

Mostafa Alkhamrichi

Operations & Development Director of Rockfon Europe and Asia

Apart from the office renovation, we opened our new showroom to complement the training centre that is located on the site. Our customers throughout Europe can now visit the facility and see all of the endless possibilities with acoustic ceiling and wall solutions in different colours, textures, forms, and shapes.

Furthermore, by expanding our footprint in Wijnegem, we have now opened up many more possibilities for potential employees.

If you'd like to learn more about the innovative solutions employed in this renovation project, receive a tour of the Rockfon Showroom, or wish to be a part of Rockfon in Wijnegem — please get in contact with our Rockfon Benelux team.