Recently a new ISO standard* for acoustics in open offices is published, requiring a well-thought-out design process. However, past case studies have shown differently. There has been a lack of collaboration between acousticians and architects, as they frequently work independently of one another when it comes to addressing these demand concerns.

A holistic approach is necessary to create a fluid process between the acoustic engineering, design, architecture, and building construction fields. This approach will allow the different experts to collaboratively work together and create the best end results. But how do we ensure this will happen? Do we need one designated person, who can coordinate between parties and bridge architectural design with engineering services?


* ISO 22955/2021 Acoustic quality of open office spaces

Webinar: Acoustics and Design

Date: 30 November 2022
Time: 10:00AM CET
Where: Virtual Live Event
Language: English
Projects always benefit from a holistic or ‘joined up’ design approach — having all the team members involved from an early stage means that any specific requirements can be built into the scheme and the design can reflect that.

Helen Sheldon

Associate, RBA Acoustics

Participate in our free panel discussion with industry experts and learn:

  • What are the current design trends? And what are the paradoxes in construction?    
  • How can you ensure that the acoustician is involved in the design process so that all goals are met?
  • Is a holistic approach the answer? And how to incorporate it to ensure quality throughout the project?
  • Do we need a single point-of-contact to manage communication and collaboration between departments for the entirety of the project?